

这篇文章补充了我们的季度研究通讯, 介绍中欧教育学院研究项目的最新进展. 报名 在你的收件箱中获取这些信息. 


CEE人员在热泵RTU上工作背景: 明尼苏达州的高效技术加速器 (ETA) is a statewide market transformation program, 由CEE实施, that accelerates deployment and reduces the cost of emerging and innovative efficient technologies. 作为ETA技术初始组合的一部分, CEE staff will be researching and promoting advances in heat pump rooftop units (RTUs) for commercial buildings. 而热泵rtu有很多配置, 双燃料热泵rtu是特别感兴趣的寒冷气候, as they contain a natural gas furnace and efficient heat pump in the same package. Since dual fuel systems can use both gas and electricity for 空间加热, 它们可以被配置成最小化能源消耗, 排放, or operating costs while keeping buildings comfortable across the full range of winter conditions.

更新: The first site for conducting heat pump RTU research has been identified at a dental office in northeast Minneapolis. Two-thirds of the conventional RTUs at the site were replaced with heat pumps RTUs during an office remodel that highlighted how the modularity of conventional RTUs extends to heat pump RTUs as well. 研究小组目前正在监测能源消耗, 加热性能, and efficiency of two heat pump RTUs at the site through this heating season. 到目前为止, the team has observed successful transitions between heat pump and back-up gas heating at temperatures below the heat pump’s switchover setpoint and has begun characterizing the efficiency of the heat pump as a function of temperature. Heating season 表演 reports will be compiled and released this spring.

Do you know of a site that has a recently installed heat pump RTU and would be interested in taking part in this study?

Minnesota's Efficient Technology Accelerator is funded by investor-owned utilities and administered by the Minnesota Department of Commerce, 能源司.


背景: CEE人员在热泵RTU上工作The 2018 CARD Minnesota Energy Efficiency Potential Study identified cold climate air source heat pumps (ASHPs) as the technology expected to provide 25% of total residential electrical savings in the state in the coming decade. 这两个项目, 一个是单户住宅,另一个是多户住宅, 着手开发和验证设计, 安装, and operational protocols necessary for cold climate ASHPs to achieve wide market acceptance and maximum energy savings.  

更新: Both projects are nearing their conclusion with similar findings on the importance of quality ASHP 安装 and design. There are so many possible configurations that it is vital to map and match heat pump solutions onto existing heating system conditions for cost-effective and energy efficient results. 这与暖通空调系统的更新方式不同, 因此将需要对承包商进行充分的教育和培训. 许多设计问题都围绕着分区和控制, with the goal of marrying the best 表演 and cost with how the unit is serving the consumer. CEE research staff presented a CARD webinar this winter on the single-family project, 可以在下面的链接中查看. 这个多户家庭项目将在今年春天的网络研讨会上展出.




These projects are supported by a grant from the Minnesota Department of Commerce, 能源司 through the Conservation Applied Research and Development (CARD) program, 是由明尼苏达州纳税人资助的吗.


空气-水热泵背景: 一种替代热泵技术——空气-水热泵(AWHP), a new variant of an air source heat pump — uses electricity to move heat from outdoor air into indoor water. 这些系统与低温辐射加热兼容, 家庭热水供暖, 和强制空气加热和冷却. This project is a field study of AWHPs to characterize and evaluate their efficiency, 表演, 和成本效益. 

更新: The project team presented a CARD webinar in December on key project findings — the webinar recording is now available on CEE’s website. The project identified dozens of AWHP models and configurations that are available for a variety of Minnesota residential applications. 对于本研究中现场测试的系统, AWHPs产生了6个,300 to 16,600千瓦时和$453到$1,每年节省450英镑. The project team recommends aligning this subset of ASHP technology with existing ECO models and programs and advocates for standardized ratings for AWHP systems to promote the technology as a flexible and effective heat pump solution.



This project is supported by a grant from the Minnesota Department of Commerce, 能源司 through the Conservation Applied Research and Development (CARD) program, 是由明尼苏达州纳税人资助的吗.


AC替换背景: Variable speed heat pumps (VSHPs) save energy on both heating and cooling and offer greater year-round comfort. Recent advances in this technology provide opportunities to dramatically reduce 安装 costs and allow for a smoother transition to VSHPs from traditional heating and cooling systems. This field study assessed energy savings that can be achieved by installing cold climate variable speed heat pumps as replacements to central air conditioning (AC) equipment in residential customers’ homes in ComEd’s service territory.

更新: The results from this study strongly support using heat pumps any time an AC替换 is needed to unlock more energy efficiency in shoulder seasons. New coil-only VSHPs can be installed on any existing furnace set-up with encouraging results. The findings from this study were discussed in a recent webinar, linked below. The project team is compiling a final report and will be presenting on the topic at the ACEEE 2024热空气论坛 在三月和 ACEEE 2024夏季研究 8月.


